Department of Mechanical Engineering

Make the World Move with a Mechanical Engineering Degree from Kettering
At Kettering University, our Department of Mechanical Engineering knows that well-trained, curious and innovative people with mechanical engineering degrees are highly sought-after by a variety of companies and organizations across the globe.
Our future needs mechanical engineers who have the credentials and hands-on training required to design faster, smarter and more cost- and fuel-efficient machines. As a mechanical engineering major at Kettering, we can help you gain the knowledge and experience you need to do just that.
No matter which of our mechanical engineering programs you choose, from our bachelor’s to master’s in mechanical engineering, our small class sizes, cutting-edge research labs, co-op programs and hands-on learning opportunities will give you a competitive edge in the job market.
Our unique learning-while-doing approach, paired with our classroom work in our mechanical engineering program and beyond, consistently earns our spot among the nation’s top-ranked programs by U.S. News & World Report.
Future-Focused, Design-Driven: Kettering’s Mechanical Engineering Programs
Whether you’d like to pursue a bachelor’s or master’s in mechanical engineering, our Department of Mechanical Engineering has the mechanical engineering major or graduate program for you.
Mechanical Engineering
As a mechanical engineering major at Kettering, you’ll learn to design, build and test mechanical, dynamic and energy systems and more in our top-notch labs. A degree from one of our many mechanical engineering programs will help prepare you for an exciting and rewarding career in growing industries such as renewable energy, bioengineering and lean manufacturing.
About the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Through the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Kettering, you’ll not only learn about objects and systems with motion — you’ll have plenty of hands-on opportunities to design, build and analyze them, too.
At Kettering, the coursework and experiential learning opportunities for our mechanical engineering degrees are unmatched. Our mechanical engineering programs have a long history of nurturing brilliant minds. Join the ranks of our successful alumni and take advantage of the opportunities and student community at Kettering.
Co-op model
Gain real-life, on-the-job experience and practice what you learn while you earn your mechanical engineering degree. As early as your first year at Kettering, you’ll alternate between taking classroom courses and applying what you’ve learned while working in the field with one of our corporate partners, such as Coca-Cola, Dow, General Motors and Kawasaki Motors — to name just a few.
Student competition teams
While you earn your bachelor’s in mechanical engineering degree or your master’s, you’ll have opportunities to join a team of like-minded students and take on other colleges in nationwide challenges and competitions, from combat robotics to the Shell Eco-marathon.
Society of Automotive Engineer teams
Apply your classroom education in mechanical engineering by developing autonomous vehicles, formula cars, and more. Kettering’s student teams include Autodrive, Formula One, Mini Baja, Clean Snowmobile and Aerodesign.
State-of-the-art labs
From your first week at Kettering, you’ll apply and build your skills in our research labs. As a mechanical engineering major, you’ll learn and work in our e-Design and e-Manufacturing Studio, Energy Systems Lab, Crash Safety Center, Advanced Engine Research Lab, DENSO International Dynamic Systems Design Studio and The Center for Fuel Cell Systems and Powertrain.
Top-notch Mechanical Engineering Programs with Expert Faculty
At Kettering, our faculty are dedicated to helping students like you build challenging and rewarding careers in mechanical engineering. In our mechanical engineering programs, you’ll learn in classrooms with small class sizes from faculty members who are currently researching energy systems, orthopedic biomechanics, computational biomechanics, automobile body structure design, crash analysis and other innovative concepts.
No matter which mechanical engineering major or master’s in mechanical engineering program you choose, at Kettering you’ll learn from renowned instructors with myriad fields of expertise. The majority of our faculty members have earned top degrees in their field and specialize in a variety of areas, from automobile body structure design and crash analysis to water collection and filtration technologies in the developing world.
Free Your Mind: Student Life for Mechanical Engineering Majors
As you pursue your mechanical engineering degree at Kettering, you’ll have several opportunities to connect with your peers outside of the classroom and lab through a host of clubs and organizations, including:
- The Green Engineering Organization: Interested in green energy and environmental stewardship? The Green Engineering Organization might be for you—whether or not you’re pursuing the alternative energy concentration in our mechanical engineering program. This group is dedicated to increasing environmental awareness and conscientious leadership among Kettering students, staff and faculty while implementing environmentally friendly practices on campus and the surrounding area.
- KARO: The sky is the limit in the Kettering Aerospace and Rocketry Organization (KARO). If you’re earning a mechanical engineering degree to design and build vehicles for the ground or sky, you’ll learn more about aircraft — specifically rockets — through various activities and competitions as part of this organization.
- Kettering Entrepreneur Society: Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? The Kettering Entrepreneur Society promotes an entrepreneurial culture on campus that’s founded on innovation and social values. No matter which mechanical engineering program you choose, joining this society will provide you with membership networking, mentoring and opportunities for developing an entrepreneurial mindset.
- SAGE: Formerly Engineers Without Borders, the Students Association for Global Engineering (SAGE) is a wonderful way to network and collaborate with like-minded students in our mechanical engineering programs and beyond.
Financial Aid for Department of Mechanical Engineering Programs
At Kettering, we’re committed to helping you finance your education through a variety of channels, including paid job experience through our co-op programs, scholarships, grants, loans and more.
Among other scholarship and grant opportunities, students studying under the Department of Mechanical Engineering may be eligible for the Patricia and Armen Oumedian Engineering Scholarship. This $1,000 financial award is sponsored by the Grand Rapids Community Foundation. To be eligible, you must meet certain criteria: You must be a full-time student at Kettering or transferring here from Grand Rapids Community College; reside in West Michigan or work for a West Michigan Kettering University Co-op employer; demonstrate financial need; and hold a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Discover Where a Mechanical Engineering Degree Can Lead You
Begin your journey toward the engineering career of your dreams or learn more about whether our mechanical engineering programs are for you. Request more information or apply today.
Meet the Faculty
Bassem Ramadan
Department Head of Mechanical Engineering
Contact bramadan@serbacemerlang.comBashar AbdulNour
Professor of the Practice
Contact babdulnour@serbacemerlang.comTheresa Atkinson
Contact tatkinso@serbacemerlang.comPatrick Atkinson
Contact patkinso@serbacemerlang.comJavad Baqersad
Associate Professor
Contact jbaqersad@serbacemerlang.comJennifer Bastiaan
Associate Professor
Contact jbastiaan@serbacemerlang.comJoel Berry
Contact jberry@serbacemerlang.comKristy Brinker Brouwer
Professor of the Practice
Contact kbrinkerbrouwer@serbacemerlang.comSusanta Das
Contact sdas@serbacemerlang.comG Davis
Contact gdavis@serbacemerlang.comYaomin Dong
Contact ydong@serbacemerlang.comKent Eddy
Contact keddy@serbacemerlang.comChris George
Assistant Teaching Professor
Contact cgeorge@serbacemerlang.comJeffrey Hargrove
Associate Professor
Contact jhargrov@serbacemerlang.comCraig Hoff
Contact choff@serbacemerlang.comBrenda Lemke
Contact blemke@serbacemerlang.comYifu Li
Assistant Professor
Contact yli3@serbacemerlang.comArnaldo Mazzei Jr.
Contact amazzei@serbacemerlang.comJamal Mostafavi Yazdi
Assistant Professor
Contact jmostafaviyazdi@serbacemerlang.comKarim Nasr
Professor of Practice
Contact knasr@serbacemerlang.comDiane Peters
Associate Professor
Contact dpeters@serbacemerlang.comAhmad Pourmovahed
Contact apourmov@serbacemerlang.comLaura Sullivan
Contact lsulliva@serbacemerlang.comHafez Tari
Assistant Professor
Contact htari@serbacemerlang.comMassoud Tavakoli